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As we record the process, we will put documents here.

The public survey and interviews kicked off the project in the Fall and Winter of 2022. The activities intended to get a feel for how the community views the Commercial Core now, what aspirations people may have for it, and what dynamics they see shaping it. The learnings directly inform the workshop series and research of the design team, by indicating where to look and what matters most. 

Public Engagement
Interviews & Survey

Documentation Phase
Project Update

From September 2022 to January 2023 the Imagine Auburn team studied Auburn’s Commercial Core built environment to document the composition of various neighborhoods and districts. Each area was further studied to identify its unique patterns and commonalities in building size and placement, thoroughfares, civic spaces, and building fronts.

The links below feature poster summaries of the Documentation Phase Report.


Long-Form Transect Analysis

Building Menu

Thoroughfare Menu

Frontage Menu

Civic Space Menu


Outreach Report

From February 2023 to May 2023 the Imagine Auburn team facilitated a series of community-led planning workshops to envision the future of Auburn's Commerical Core.


The links below feature the posters presented at the workshops.


Thematic Boards

Transect Boards

What's the best email address to reach you at so we can stay in touch?

We'll send you links to surveys, invitations to community charrettes, and project updates so you can be involved every step of the way.

Thank you for your involvement!

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